Castara Tourism Development Association (CTDA)

This is a relatively new venture set up with the aim of promoting responsible tourism and preserving the environment for the enjoyment of both villagers and visitors alike.
The concrete garbage bins and the speed humps you see in the village were built by the CTDA. Eight years ago, we successfully applied for a small grant from the United Nations Development Programme to reduce liquid and solid waste (detergents, plastic bags and non-biodegradable food containers). We used the money to raise awareness of the environmental issues which affect the village. We ran a summer camp for local children, a day of river, beach and reef activities for all villagers, and several workshops for business owners. We now have a sustainability shop in CasCreole Bar, Big Bay, which sells eco-friendly laundry and cleaning products as well as biodegradable food boxes, bags, straws, and much more.
Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products
Here at Boatview Apartments, we have started making our own eco-friendly cleaning products.
Floor Cleaner
We combine 2 heaped tablespoons of salt, 2 heaped tablespoons of baking soda, and 150ml white vinegar in a 5-litre container and top it up with hot water. We add a few drops of essential oil to make it smell nice. We use lemon or rosemary, but the choice is yours! Shake well and use as required.
Multi-Purpose Surface Cleaner
For a multi-purpose cleaner to use in bathrooms and kitchens, we use the same recipe as above but leave out the salt. We then decant it into spray bottles for ease of use.
Green Donations
If you would like to make a donation towards our continuing green efforts, please see Sharon. If you donate TT$100 or more, you will receive a canvas bag designed by the children who attended our summer camp.