Airport Pick-Up
We can arrange a taxi to pick you up at the airport and bring you to Castara. The charge for this is TT$300.

Late Check-Out/Early Check-In
We appreciate that many of our guests are at the mercy of the airlines! If you would like to check-in or check-out outside of the usual hours, we will do our best to accommodate you. We don’t charge extra for this service.
If you arrive on the island during normal business hours, your taxi driver will offer to stop at Tobago’s biggest supermarket for you to stock up with provisions.
For guests arriving late at night or early in the morning, we can do some shopping for you so that you don’t have to worry about buying the basics. Discuss your requirements with us ahead of your arrival.
Free wi-fi is available in all our apartments.
We change your bed linen and towels twice a week (on Tuesdays and Fridays). If you have personal items you would like washing, please leave them on your bed. Your clean, dry laundry will be returned to you later the same day. There is no charge for this service.
If you require laundry to be done at other times, we charge TT$20 (US$3) per load.

Long Stays
We offer discounted rates for stays of four weeks or more in the low season. Please contact us for details.
Cleaning Protocols
We have signed up to the Tobago Safe Travel stamp and are in the process of signing up to the Carribean Safe Travel stamp. We have also signed up to the airbnb cleaning protocols as detailed below-:
Please note that the cleaner wears a mask at all times when cleaning and washes hands for 20 seconds before commencing and in between each step
Step one -Prepare , cleaning products needed are gathered in one place ready to ue, all linen and waste is removed from the room
Step two – Clean thoroughly. Cobweb and dust removed, bathroom and kitchen cleaned, including inside of fridge, microwave, kettle and toaster. Mirrors and fans are wiped, floors swept and mopped.
Step three – Sanitise, all high touch areas and surfaces with alcohol-based disinfectant.
Step four – Check, it is important to check everything has been done.
Step five – Reset, the room is then set, beds made, towels put in and room is left for at least 24 hours before guests arrive.
During your stay we will place the change of linen outside your door and check with you about how to do this. You can change the linen and we will launder it or we can come in and change it for you wearing masks, your choice.
Please note that each room has it’s own disinfectant and you may use this whenever you wish. We have also placed handsoap in the bathroom and a hand sanitiser in case you have guests in your room. We encourage our guests to make suggestions, we re all ears.